Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Recipe Success: Garlic Cauliflower "Mashed Potatoes"

I dunno. I just feel like
 something's missing.

One big challenge to Paleo eating is coming up with a meal that feels complete, and not like a bunch of groceries. Without a starch, the plate just seems a bit unbalanced to me.

In my search for ideas, I found the awesome website Nom Nom Paleo.  The author is a mom and a nurse, but she must have some sort of deal with the devil that allows her extra hours in the day, because she also blogs and takes gorgeous food porn photos.

Whatever she's doing, it's working.

Last night I tried one of her recipes, for Garlic Cauliflower "Mashed Potatoes", and it was perfect.  It was super-easy to make, cheap, delicious, and sufficiently "starchy" to make a Paleo dinner of chicken sausages and salad (for Ron), or a crab cake, tomato and avocado (for me), feel tied together and satisfying.
Before trying this recipe, I was pretty dubious about playing games with ingredients to try to trick your palate. Now, though, I'm a feeling a little more willing to experiment. She's got a recipe for "zoodles" (zucchini noodles) with meatballs and spaghetti sauce that might be worth a shot next week.

For now, I'm putting this recipe in the "keeper" file.  I'd eat this as an alternative to mashed potatoes even if I weren't eating Paleo- and that's the highest compliment I know how to give.

A recipe in photos, with major credit and thanks to Nom Nom:

Step 1: Cut up and wash a cauliflower.

Step 2: Steam the cauliflower and most of a head of garlic (yes, the whole thing) until soft.

Step 3: Put veggies, salt, butter, and pepper in the blender and blend until smooth. (To be Paleo, butter should be from grass-fed cows).

Step 4: NOM NOM NOM!

And unrelated to Paleo, but just because he is one of my all-time favorites, the poem "Something Missing", by Shel Silverstein, whose drawing is at the top of the page:

"Something Missing", by Shel Silverstein
I remember I put on my socks,
I remember I put on my shoes.
I remember I put on my tie
That was painted
In beautiful purples and blues.
I remember I put on my coat,
To look perfectly grand at the dance,
Yet I feel there is something
I may have forgot—
What is it? What is it? …

1 comment:

  1. Do you remember eating mock mashed potatoes at FHI? I can't remember who but someone brought some Weight Watcher mashed cauliflower to work for lunch one day & we all sampled it. This stuff looks much tastier than the cauliflower from that experiment. I think it was it's lack of real butter that made it unedible. This looks good. I am a big fan of roasted cauliflower with the zest & juice of one lemon then tossed with a little curry powder.
