Monday, August 27, 2012

I'm baaaack!

Better than my usual commute.
Pop Quiz:

In which location is it most challenging to secure an Internet connection?

A. Lusaka, Zambia
B. Cranberry Lake, New York

OK, these set ups are always a little obvious. But still, it's a little surprising, right?

I spent the last week at my family's vacation place in the Adirondacks, in upper New York State. It's a 10 hour drive from DC, and our cabins are at the far end of the lake. There are no roads, no phones, no electricity, no indoor plumbing- and of course, no Internet. It is fabulous.

For the week at the lake, I didn't worry about Paleo. There is only one week a year when I eat s'mores, and I'm not going to skip them because cavemen were too dumb to figure out marshmallows.

I researched this extensively.
The 2 weeks in Zambia were also less than stellar, diet-wise. I posted about nshima, the staple of Zambian food. It is a tasty, slightly sticky corn pudding that is eaten at every Zambian lunch- and it is definitely not Paleo.

Nor was the delicious South African red wine I drank at dinner pretty much every night, for that matter.

I weighed myself this morning, and the damage was not as bad as it could have been.  I also went for my first run in 3 weeks, and felt pretty good.

And now, it's back on the bandwagon with Paleo. I'll report the findings after the end of this week- I'm hoping the little bump up is a result of these bad boys:
Sadly, totally not worth it.
Ron and I eat fast food exactly twice a year, on the way to and home from Cranberry Lake. This year, we made it a mission to consume these tacos, which have a shell made of Doritos and have given the foodie blogosphere a massive collective orgasm.

And... meh. They were salty, which is my favorite flavor. But, you know, they're still filled with Taco Bell meat (Ron corrected me- "meat").

A quick aside: a friend of ours told us once that she went into Taco Bell and ordered a taco, and the guy said they were out. So she ordered a burrito, and he said they were out of those as well. "How can you be out of tacos and burritos?" she asked. With a totally straight face, he said "Well, the meat hose is clogged."

Huh huh. Meat hose.

Anyway, I won't miss them between now and next August. And we noticed that Dunkin' Donuts was advertising Oreo donuts, so the mad geniuses are already work at next year's hideous/delicious Frankensnack.

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