Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Today, I'm Coming Out of the Closet

Oh Ricky. I just can't quit you.
Well, my inner gay man is coming out. I keep him hidden, because he's a little embarrassing.

I take some pride on reading good books and serious magazines. I follow independent food blogs to learn about supper clubs and artisanal popsicles. I keep abreast of fashion trends, even if I can't afford to follow them, and I prefer the small indie theater to the big multiplex.

But man oh man, my inner gay man (let's call him Lance) just insists on some good, cotton candy, fluffy, worthless, total junk food music, especially for running.

Not quite this bad, but almost.
When we were training for Ironman, I got good at running without music. Our coach insisted on it at the track, for safety, and you can't wear earphones in races so it's best to train without them.

Also, I had to carry so much other stuff with me on the long runs (water, Gatorade, Chok blocks, Gu, salt tabs, cue sheet, sunscreen, keys, graphing calculator) (ok, not that last one)  that I didn't want one more thing to drag around.

I do like the peace and quiet of running without them, and I talked earlier about the meditative quality of running.

But sometimes, it's pretty awesome to just put on a song with a fast beat and idiotic lyrics and just fly.

To get myself inspired, and treat myself to something athletic without spending $200 at LuLuLemon (every time I go into that store- EVERY TIME),  I just updated my playlist, and I have to say, it's pretty damn fun.

Please don't mock it, or Lance will get pissy with me, and between him and my inner 14 year old girl, it's getting a bit angst-y in here.

If you and your inner gay (Bruce?) want to rock out with me and Lance, you can listen to the playlist on Spotify here:

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