Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Meat Sweats

Yesterday morning, I went for my usual little 3 mile run, and I felt absolutely, truly terrible the whole time.

I woke up tired- which is a super awesome feeling, by the way. Just love that one.

There's no mystery to it though- it's been a big week at work, so I've been working like crazy and staying up late.

On days like that, when it's so hard to get up, I make a little deal with myself. If I just get up and dressed and run for 10 minutes, if I'm still totally miserable, I can come home.

I have run a lot of really miserable miles in my life, and I have never come as close to quitting and heading home as I did yesterday. The only thing that kept me going was the fact that it was a gorgeous morning, and we're headed for another heatwave- there won't be another nice run day this week.

When I finally dragged myself home, I had a terribly sour stomach and a headache, and I felt awful all morning. When I pulled that damn casserole out of the fridge to pack it up for breakfast, I almost lost it.

I was officially suffering from the dreaded Meat Sweats. 

The Meat Sweats is a condition which occurs when you've eaten so much meat that it is causing you to sweat, or to sweat it out of your pores. This is disgusting, and admitting to it doesn't do much for my self-image as a reasonably feminine person. 

My body was sending me a clear signal that it can't handle all of the meat we've been eating. I'd had chorizo for breakfast, chicken sausage for lunch, and steak for dinner for two days in a row- just too much.

During the rest of the day yesterday, I took it a little easy on the meatfest- or at least the red meat. I had 2 eggs and some cantaloupe for breakfast, a salad with some shrimp and left over steak for lunch, and a little chicken and broccoli for dinner. I had another egg, some beef jerky, and some raspberries as a snack.

My overall calories, though, were just 1150 calories- that is WAY low. I am not trying to not eat, but I just wasn't hungry. Nausea- the natural appetite suppressant.

The terrible run might just have been a fluke, but Ron said his run yesterday afternoon was terrible too. I am a little suspicious that there aren't enough carbs in this plan to fuel the running.

I'm not going to quit Paleo, of course, but I'm going to adjust it- by backing off the red meat and adding in some chicken and fish, and also upping the fruit a little more than is strictly allowed on the plan, at least on run days.

And we can file the Meat Sweats away in the "Things I've Done So You Don't Have To" folder and stick it in a drawer somewhere. You're welcome.

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