Monday, July 16, 2012

Next Monday: Always the Best Day to Start a Diet

On Friday, I said that I was going to start the Paleo Diet today. 

However, it has come to my attention that years of rigorous scientific research have irrefutably demonstrated that the best time to start a new diet is always next Monday.

Kidding, kidding. (Mostly).

Actually, what came to my attention was something called the FitBit.

FitBit is essentially a glamorous pedometer. It is a little do-hickey you can clip into your bra or put in your pocket, and it will measure the steps you take every day. It has an altimeter, so it can record the flights of stairs or hills climbed. It has an accelerometer, so it can tell when you're running vs. walking (vs. cycling? TBD). There's a feature that measures how long you're sleeping each night, and how well.

The company also sells a scale that measures both weight and body fat, which I ordered, as well as an extra pedometer for Ron.

All of these things connect wirelessly to your computer, and to a program that will track your activity and progress each day. You can also keep a food log through their program, if you're so inclined.

My friend Ali, who is a health coach and general health guru, swears by hers. She suggested, and I agree, that tracking this data will add a lot to my ability to assess the different diets I test out. For example, even if I keep my exercise (both amount and intensity) exactly the same every day, I am sure that I walk about twice as much in the warmer months as I do in the winter. As a researcher, I want to eliminate as many confounding variables as I can from my study.

I also want to capture some baseline data against which to compare the later stats. Basically, I need my "befores" so I can show off my "afters".

The FitBit and scale are supposed to arrive tomorrow. I'm going to record my data for this coming week as my control or baseline data, and then kick off with Paleo Diet next Monday.

No sense in fighting it. Next Monday really is the perfect time.

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