Thursday, March 28, 2013

Coming Out of My Cave

I'm back! Were you worried?
The beast stirs...


Not even a little bit?

Well, fine. I'm fine, since you asked. 

I may have fallen into a small winter hole. 

You know, a winter hole. The warm and cozy spot you snuggle into to hibernate when it's dark and dreary outside. Dark when you wake up and dark again about 20 minutes after you eat lunch, unless it's cloudy/raining/sleeting, in which case, it's just dark all day. 
You can just feel the hope, right? RIGHT?!

I'm not fully out of the winter hole yet, but I'm trying. There's light showing through. The daffodils seem to have some faith that eventually the gloom will part, so I'm going with them. When have they ever been wrong?

There's been so much interesting health news in the past couple of weeks that I've been feeling antsy to talk about, so I finally shook off my Snuggie and took up my laptop. 

First, some changes to the blog. The original conceit  was that I was going to try a bunch of weird diets and talk about them. I started- and ended- with Paleo. It made me feel crummy, and I don't really want to feel crummy. 

I also don't want to have to think about every precious little thing I put in my mouth so that I can blog about it. That's tedious even to say; I can't believe I was seriously going to ask people to read it. 

I also had read somewhere that the key to successful blogging was to blog everyday. It's a great goal, but is also a lot of pressure. I was trying to hold myself to that, and then feeling bad when I couldn't do it. And this is supposed to be fun, and not make me feel bad. So, I'm not doing that anymore either. 

Instead, for now, I'm going to use at as an outlet for thoughts about health issues in the news. And maybe some of whatever else catches my eye. Like summer sandals. Or new music. 

Like this.(Thanks, Katie Bentley Mooers, for directing me to these guys!)

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, glad you're back and that you liked Ivan & Alyosha :)
