Wednesday, January 2, 2013

To Vitamin Or Not To Vitamin

Vitamin N used to be good for you too.
Once every couple of years I go through a little phase where I feel like I should be taking vitamins. I go buy them and take them very regularly every morning...for about a week.

At which point, I forget, or get tired of my pee looking like Mountain Dew (sorry), and stop taking them. Then the vitamin bottle sits on the shelf for 6 months until I get tired of it judging me for my lack of follow through, and I throw it away.

There's not a lot of evidence that vitamins actually make any difference in your health. NPR has a nice little summary here; basically, there are some vitamins (like calcium and Vitamin D) for which there is evidence that supplements can be helpful. But mostly, you're paying a lot of money for...Mountain Dew.

That's why this article caught my eye. I mean, I can't be bothered to do a checklist to make sure I'm getting, say, my B6 and B12 by eating "one cup of plain yogurt and a banana, one ounce of sunflower seeds, and three ounces of roast beef" AND getting my folic acid by eating "a cup of peas, a cup of cooked spinach, and about five spears of asparagus."

Side note- who do these writers imagine lives like this? "No, not four spears- I need five, dammit, FIVE!" We can't all be Anna Wintour. Tragically.

Nevertheless, the theory is right on. If you eat mostly unprocessed or minimally processed foods, and especially lots of fruits and veggies, you will end up eating the things you need. I go through phases when I get really strong cravings for certain vegetables or fruit (recently, arugula salad with lemon juice, olive oil and parm, and grapefruit)- I think that's my body telling me what it needs. Of course, it has also been telling me it needs another peanut butter blossom cookie, and it most certainly does not.

To me, vitamins are part of the same industry as any processed food. In buying them, you're paying for companies to market products you don't really need to you. I'm saving my money for some gigante grapefruit.

Speaking of, Ron's recently started making baked grapefruit to go with our weekend breakfasts. They're a favorite from his childhood- especially with a maraschino cherry on top :)

They're supereasy to make, and so pretty and pink-a perfect warm winter comfort food.

To make:
Preheat oven to 400
Cut grapefruit in half, and then around the edges of each half and separating the flesh of the fruit from the little section divider things.
Sprinkle top with brown sugar (our preferred), or honey, or maple syrup. Add any cinnamon or vanilla extract, etc.
Bake for 15 mins or until browned


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